It’s one thing to coach your teen in preparation for an interview. But what if your teen is shy or anxious? This situation is a whole different ballgame! If teens are outgoing and sociable, they can leverage this quality during an interview and exude confidence. If teens are challenged by social situations by being shy or anxious, interviews can be nerve-wracking!
Here are a few simple steps to help your shy or anxious teen nail the interview:
- Review your teens’ strengths with them. Teens sometimes don’t know what their strengths are. I would recommend your teen taking the online test by Strengths Finder 2.0. You can access this test online at
- Practice the most common interview questions, so your teen knows what to expect
- Practice responses to questions to which they may have no idea how to answer
- Have your teen practice pausing before answering interview questions. Pausing shows that you are putting thought into your answer and that you are not over-rehearsed. It also helps the interviewee slow down and not appear nervous. This value of this technique is substantiated by an interesting article by Harvard professor, Amy Cuddly, in Business Review:
- If an interview doesn’t go well, review what went wrong and brainstorm alternative answers.
- Make sure your teens have professional clothing which fits well. It will give them that extra boost of confidence!
- Be positive. Have your teen visualize having a successful interview and getting the job!
Once your teens get their first job, they will increase their confidence and have a chance to develop their talents. Shy teens will receive the recognition outside of the home, which they need to develop their skills.
For more information on the most common interview questions and interviewing techniques, contact academic and life coach, Kathleen Matchunis at 954 294 9708 for a complimentary consultation to get your teen ready for the workplace. Checkout my website at: and my page on Facebook at
Original content by Kathleen Matchunis