Have You Been Looking For Something?

Have You Been Looking For Something?
By Kathleen a. Matchunis, President of Connecting, Inc.

Have you had the experience of looking for something in the refrigerator and not being able to find what you were looking for until someone else came over to help you? Then, as soon as another person appeared, you found it. It was right under your nose before, but you could not find it. It just does not make sense, but it happens all the time.
So many times in life, we may be looking for something and it is right in front of us, but we cannot find it. Why does this happen? Maybe you have lost your focus of what you really want. Try organizing your day with the end in mind. It does not have to be your ultimate goal, but instead your goal of the day, which should be a small step toward your vision of where you want to be in your life. You may be so intent on finding what you want; you can’t see the forest for the trees. Don’t get so caught up in the details that you lose sight of your goal. Distractions abound, but goal-oriented people do not allow themselves to get off track.
When we identify an important goal, we have to also envision what it will look like, sound like, and feel like. Imagine that you are the long-distance runner with the finish line in your sight. Imagine how you feel as you break through that finish line.
Look at everyone that you come in contact with as a guide. You will either move toward or away from certain things because of certain people. You learn how to be and how not to be from your parents for example.
When things don’t seem to be working out, it’s just time to recalculate, keeping your eye on your goal. Don’t let self-doubt sabotage your efforts, keep moving forward.
Successful people don’t stop looking, they continue to look and learn. Find your inspiration and motivation. Then feel the exhilaration as you knock down those barriers.

By | 2016-06-17T09:37:40-05:00 March 30th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Have You Been Looking For Something?