Who has changed your life?

Who has changed your life?
By Kathleen A. Matchunis, President of Connecting, Inc.
Who has changed your life the most? Is it a family member, spouse, teacher, boss, or colleague? Has someone offered you the encouragement which made you who you are today?
We never know how a conversation, a comment, or word of encouragement can affect someone. I have found this to be the case both in my personal and professional life. My Spanish and French teacher told me that I would be fluent one day and I was able to accomplish this goal, which has enriched my life. When I was a teacher, one of the assistant principals at my school pointed out that I had a lot of potential and should get my Master’s in Educational Leadership. I literally didn’t even realize he was speaking to me, at first. Anyway, a year later, I got my Master’s because he instilled the confidence in me to do so. After my first marriage unraveled and I thought that I would do, too, my mom assured me that God had never abandoned me, so why would He now? Mom was right! I went on to meet a wonderful man. When I met my second husband, he let me know that I could just be myself to be loved. For this, I am eternally grateful, since the alternative was exhausting. My dad taught me, “To thine own self be true”, while struggling with my identity as a teen. My son taught me that it is important to be authoritative without being authoritarian when raising children. My daughter taught me to not make excuses for other people’s behavior and not put up with abuse. My former students taught me that everyone that you come in contact with has a lesson for you and it may not be the lesson that you are expecting.
Have you let the people who have changed your life know their impact on your life? This week, reach out and share how much you appreciate how people have changed your life and enabled you to reach your potential. It will make your day and theirs.
Meanwhile, hopefully, you are taking the time to listen to someone and help them discover their talents and uniqueness. Pay attention, there is someone out there waiting for your words of recognition, wisdom, and encouragement. Will you be there for them? Please share your experiences!

By | 2016-06-17T09:36:55-05:00 April 28th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Who has changed your life?