How to Really Friend Someone
Has making a new friend been reduced to pressing a button on Facebook? Do your relationships consist of making comments on posts and sending texts? Do you boast about how many Facebook friends you have? Don’t get me wrong Facebook and texting are a great way to stay in touch, but a real friendship they do not make!
So, what does it mean to be a real friend? Part of a great friendship is spending time together, when possible, and having spontaneous conversations. With technology, people respond only when they feel like it. It is also easier to avoid others and put off getting together when messaging someone. We need to be emotionally available for our friends. It is important to reach out and support our friends when they are struggling. Avoid being a “fair weather friend” who is there only for the good times. A good friend is there for you during good times and bad, whether you are experiencing success or going through a rough patch in your career.
Are you friends with people because of their status or the “perks” that go along with the relationship? Be honest with yourself when entering into relationships with people, who you feel are there to help you. There is nothing wrong being friends with someone who might be able to help you, unless that is the motivation for the relationship.
Do you say, “Call me” or “Let’s get together soon” and then not follow up? Friendships take some effort and time. Make time for your friends and don’t hide behind the excuse of being busy. Everyone is busy. It’s hard to have your friendship grow if you don’t get some face to face contact. If you are busy, you may need to schedule some time to spend with your friends.
Friends are honest with each other. Friend give other friends a reality check when they get off track or if they have other concerns for the safety or well-being.
Invest in your friendships. This investments pays off. Nurture your friendships. Those people who rush through life, not taking the time for their friends, can find themselves very lonely when their life comes to a standstill because of an illness or some other crisis.
Friendship is the frosting on the delicious cake of life. Who doesn’t want some frosting with their cake? Reach out and reconnect with a friend today or make a new one. Please share your experiences! Don’t wait, tomorrow may too late. We never know what life may bring!