Are You a Better Friend to Others than You Are to Yourself?

Are You a Better Friend to Others Than You Are to Yourself?
By Kathleen A. Matchunis, President of Connecting, Inc.

Do you find yourself pampering your friends, only to neglect yourself? Do you encourage your friends, only to put yourself down? What’s up with that?
We need to learn to be our own best friend. So, when you have a problem, ask yourself, what would you say to your friend to encourage them? Be aware of negative self-talk and limiting beliefs running through your mind. We all have these, but we need to say to ourselves, “thanks for sharing” and move on to more positive thoughts. Are you saying things to yourself that you would never dare say to others? If so, time for a self-esteem check-up! Negative thoughts are non-productive and a waste of energy. Flood your mind with positive affirmations!
Are you choosing friends who truly there for you? If not, maybe it’s time to delete a few names from your friend’s list. You deserve to have friends that treat you as you deserve to be treated. If you are the rescuer to your friends, you are not helping them grow. If you choose friends who are not truly there for you, maybe you feel that you do not deserve more. Make sure that you choose friends who bring out the best in you, as well as you bringing out the best in them.
Don’t picture yourself as someone who needs to completed by someone else. You are a complete masterpiece! If you feel that you are weak in some areas, do something about it without beating yourself up. Live with specific intentions and goals instead of procrastinating and feeling ashamed or less than who you really are.
Putting yourself last on the priority list sends the message to you’re not worth it and isn’t a good role-model for your children.
Accept compliments graciously and enjoy them. Celebrate yourself! Be as compassionate with yourself as you would be with others. You will be happier for it!

By | 2016-06-17T09:36:44-05:00 May 5th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Are You a Better Friend to Others than You Are to Yourself?