Are You Finding The Joy?

How Are You Finding The Joy?
By Kathleen A. Matchunis, President of Connecting, Inc.

Has the holiday season become one long list of things to do? If you are not consciously guarding against the tornado of activities associated with the holidays, your life can become this interminable list. But where is the joy?
First of all, ask yourself, “Is this something I have to do, or am I doing this because of others’ expectations.
Secondly, lower your expectations. Your holiday doesn’t have to be like a Norman Rockwell painting. Lower your expectations or yourself and what you think others should be doing.
Thirdly, with the excitement and the extra social commitments during the holiday, make sure that you eat right, get enough sleep, keep up with your exercise, and not overdo on holiday goodies.
Nothing can spoil the season faster than the holiday diseases of envy, gluttony, and apathy. Don’t compare your holiday to someone else’s. Yours is unique. Just because lots of holiday foods are available doesn’t mean more is better; pace yourself. Allow yourself to enjoy some holiday treats without going to extremes. Don’t let apathy ruin your holiday. Be grateful for what you have and reach out to others less fortunate than yourself. Write holiday cards to members of a homeless shelter, invite a neighbor who lives alone to join you for your holiday meal, or serve meals in a soup kitchen. You will be filled with gratitude and feel better about yourself as a person who has served others.
Enjoy the joy and excitement of children as the holiday approaches. If going to the mall stresses you out, go during the times which are less busy such as Monday or Tuesday evenings, or first thing on Sunday morning. Imagine how everyone will appreciate whatever you offer them during the holidays, when purchasing their gifts. Be proactive about getting together with others during the holiday, if you live alone. The holidays don’t need to be a time of stress if we look for the joy in the small moments such as the look on a child’s face when they sit on Santa’s lap at the mall, or the sound of the holiday music we hear, or the opportunity to visit with friends and family.
Don’t define the holidays by other people standards. Make it your own. You are responsible for how joyful you feel during the holidays. Happiness is a choice. My wish is that you will make it yours! If you need help getting things in perspective, consider life coaching. Call me at 954 294-9708 for a complimentary initial consultation.

By | 2016-06-17T09:40:05-04:00 December 10th, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Are You Finding The Joy?