Are You Living Your Life on Autopilot?




Are You Living Your Life on Autopilot?
By Kathleen A. Matchunis, President Connecting, Inc.

Are you just living your life on autopilot? Do you get lost in the routine of life? Are you living your life without passion? Stop! There are ways to change this drudgery which you are calling “life”!
First of all, what is your passion? What gets you excited about being on the planet? This doesn’t have to be your career, but hopefully it is part of your life’s work. Sometimes we have many things that excite us. Some of these motivators are included in our daily work and others are things that we look forward to doing after our workday.
Break up the routine! Too much routine is proven to not be good for the brain and creativity. Try brushing your teeth with the opposite hand, eating something different for breakfast, and taking a different route to work in the morning or on the way home. Consciously greet those with whom you share your life. Instead of just a peck, try a ten second kiss for the one you love and jump start your day and theirs!
Give yourself a mental break during the day by taking a short, brisk walk outside, if weather permits, and listen to the sounds around you. If you cannot walk outside, try stretching or doing some simple exercises in your cubicle or office, and sharing one positive thing to say to a co-worker. You will improve both your day and your co-worker’s day before you know it!
Choose your posse carefully! Are you surrounding yourself with positive people or toxic, energy-suckers? Energize yourself with people who have positive values and attitudes, which resonate with you.
During your transition home, start thinking about relaxing and how you are going to make the evening special for yourself if you live alone or your family. Is there something funny or positive which you can share with them?
When you arrive home, put away your electronic devices and power down. Focus on your family members and see the difference in their attitudes toward you.
Set not only the table, but “set the stage” for dinner. Create an atmosphere that promotes communication and relaxation. I highly recommend turning off the TV, which interferes with communication and relaxation. Eat your dinner consciously, enjoying not only the food, but the company and the atmosphere.
Wind down by doing something that you love. This can be a hobby or just something mindless that helps you relax. You will sleep better, if you include this step.
At bedtime, reflect on the positive parts of your day and look forward to the following day, by focusing on what you will do which will bring your pleasure. Anticipating the positive usually brings the positive.
If you implement these suggestions into your life, you will rediscover your zest for life. Don’t be surprised how this rubs off on your spouse, significant other, kids, and co-workers, resulting in a happier life for you!

By | 2016-06-17T09:39:36-04:00 January 14th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Are You Living Your Life on Autopilot?