Are You Positive That You Are Positive?

Are You Positive That You Are Positive?
By Kathleen A. Matchunis, President of Connecting, Inc.

So, you think that you are a positive person. Really? Being a positive person is more than just reciting affirmations and posting positive quotes on social media. Those actions may be habits of positive people, though.
What makes a positive person? A positive person looks for the good in everyday life. When life throws them a curve, they play catch. They parlay their positive attitude into positive actions, which yield positive results.
When something which most people would consider “bad” happens, positive people look for the lesson. Positive people are great strategists. They rebound well because if plan A doesn’t work, they have plans B & C in the wings to forge ahead.
Positive people don’t throw “pity parties” for themselves because they are too busy seeking the next positive growth experience in their lives. When positive people lose their jobs, they think of it as an opportunity to get better jobs and advance professionally. When they are sick, they use the down time to re-evaluate their lives or plan their next vacation, while feeling gratitude for their normally good health. When their project at work doesn’t turn out the way they hoped, they count it as a learning experience, which will help them in the future.
Being positive is energizing and contagious. The more you expose yourself to positive people, the better chance you have of “catching” their positive attitude. So, choose your friends wisely!

By | 2016-06-17T09:39:26-04:00 January 22nd, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Are You Positive That You Are Positive?