Are You Really That Open-Minded?

Are You Really That Open-Minded?
By Kathleen Matchunis, President of Connecting, Inc.
Well, are you really that open-minded or do you surround yourself with other people who have similar beliefs to yours? During this political campaign season, you need to examine whether you are truly open-minded or if you just choose friends who just agree with you.
Rather than attack or debate others who believe differently that you do, have you tried to understand the other person’s point of view? Are you able to respectfully address points of view, different than your own? Maybe you are not as open-minded as you think. Do you stereotype people according to their political points of view?
Differences in political opinions do not have to lead to the end of a friendship or awkward situations. These differences of opinions, when handled diplomatically and respectfully, can deepen a friendship. I find that if I recognize a positive quality in another person’s preferred candidate, it starts the conversation off on the right foot and encourages the other person to see something positive about my point of view.
It comes down to this: is the issue more important than the relationship? Is any point of view worth a relationship? If you find it challenging to navigate situations like this, coaching can help! Consider life coaching sessions that focus on interpersonal communication. You will experience less conflict in your relationships, for sure!
Good luck on making this very important decision at the polls. Model the behavior that you would like to see in others. So many other countries are watching us. Set the tone of decency that we want to project as Americans!

By | 2017-06-23T11:49:47-04:00 October 23rd, 2012|Communication|Comments Off on Are You Really That Open-Minded?