Book Review- “Unlock The Cage”

Book Review: Unlock The Cage by Jackie Charley
By Kathleen A. Matchunis, President of Connecting, Inc.

If you are looking for creative, but realistic strategies for dealing with kids of all ages, consider reading Unlock The Cage. One of the many things that I really appreciated about this informative book is that the strategies are down to earth and appropriate for raising kids in this technological age. Most parents are struggling to balance their relationship with their partner or spouse, the demands of their job, and parenting responsibilities. The authors give useful techniques for maintaining your identity as a spouse, an employee, and a parent. We also have the pull of a variety of technological devices and the media which distracts our children from us, if not managed properly.
The techniques which are explained in this book can be used by working parents just as easily as stay at home parents. Engaging with your child is paramount as all approaches to parenting have to be built on a positive relationship with your child. The parent needs to establish their authority without being authoritarian, but rather in a firm, loving and authoritative manner.
Boundaries need to be set to avoid problems. The authors suggest an honest and open approach to dealing with issues. It is important the parents remain in control of themselves during discussions with their children to avoid an emotional escalation of conflict that leads to negative outcomes.
This book gives many examples of what to say to your children when addressing certain issues and more importantly how to say it. As parents, we need to keep in mind the tone of voice we use since this conveys as much of what we are feeling as the words we use.
Unlock The Cage takes away the fear which many parents experience when parenting their children and empowers them take a positive approach to disciplining and guiding their children. You will learn if you have limiting beliefs which are holding you back as a parent as well as what you can do to transform them into positive affirmations of your ability as a parent.
Nowadays, many parents feel that they are isolated and have to figure everything out by themselves since they often live far from family and others who can support them. Unlock The Cage gives you the strategies, support, and confidence you need to be a successful parent. Unlock your cage of fears, insecurities, and limiting beliefs and read this valuable book, by neuro-linguistic practitioner and life coach, Jackie Charley. Unlock The Cage is an excellent book for parents, coaches, teachers, or anyone who works with children.

By | 2016-06-17T09:35:41-05:00 June 24th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Book Review- “Unlock The Cage”