Break the Cycle of Worrying!

Breaking the Cycle of Worrying!
By Kathleen A. Matchunis, President of Connecting, Inc.

Would you like to stop worrying? For many people, worrying can become a bad habit which can be detrimental to their health. We need to be concerned about things which we can control. Worrying changes nothing about the things which we cannot control. It can only zap your energy and detract from your life, leaving you with less energy to take action in other areas.
Many people worry because they perceive worry as something that will improve the situation or feel that if they don’t worry, that they are not being responsible about resolving a situation. Some people feel that worry gives them the illusion of control. However, incessant worrying is crippling and non-productive.
When your concerns just stick in your mind like an ice cube that never melts, take a moment to identify your concern and even write it down. If possible, share your concern with someone you trust to get a more objective point of view. Meditate or pray on a possible solution. Then take action or if that is not possible, shift your perspective by reframing the situation. For example, you are worried about your teen because (s)he is not making the honor roll and not working as hard as (s)he could. You wonder how this child is ever going to get into a good college. Now, let’s look at that same situation reframed. You have a happy, healthy child who does reasonably well in school and has a social life, as well. Your child may be more adept at connecting with others than a more academic student. This quality may make your child more successful in the future.
Worry invades the mind and tries to hijack our rational thoughts. It is up to us to take control, stop our negative thoughts, and form a plan. If it is not possible to implement a plan, transform the situation in your mind by finding meaning in it or reframing it.

Jump off the worry cycle! Do not let worry hold you hostage by becoming paralyzed by your fears. Worry ruins the present and doesn’t change the future. Being present is a gift of which you do not want to be robbed!
Kathy Matchunis is a life coach who offers coaching to both adults and teens. She also offers an e-mail coaching service for specific issues. Call 954-294-9708 for more information and make this summer a summer of renewal and personal growth!

By | 2016-06-17T09:36:17-05:00 May 27th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Break the Cycle of Worrying!