Could Your Child Be Depressed? Check Out These Eight Signs!

The last thing which most parents never expect is to have a depressed child.  After all, we try to give our children the best of everything.  We may ask ourselves why our children would ever be depressed.  Depression, many times, may have nothing to do with circumstances.  The nice house, good schools, activities, and love cannot prevent depression, unfortunately.

If your child has been exhibiting any of these symptoms, get them evaluated as soon as possible by a professional.  Just because they may be diagnosed with depression, it doesn’t mean that they will have to take medication.  Don’t let your perceived stigma concerning depression prevent you from seeking treatment for your child.

Signs of depression:

  • Low energy
  • Non-specific complaints – “I feel funny in my head”.
  • Lack of concentration
  • Unexplained crying
  • Lack of social interaction
  • Lack of personal hygiene
  • Self-injury
  • Threatening suicide

These are just few signs of depression.  The earlier it is diagnosed, the better chance your child will find the best coping techniques and medication, if necessary.

Depression is not a reflection on your parenting.  Depression can be caused by traumatic events but is often a bio-chemical imbalance.  You and your child need to realize that depression is not the fault of the child or the parent.

Untreated depression leads to a constant struggle to cope and get through each day.  It is an exhausting process.  Many kids have been lost to suicide.  Depression keeps teens from enjoying their youth and feeling successful later in life.

Depression can be managed with therapy and/or medication.  Don’t hesitate to get help as soon as possible.  It is often not just a “passing phase”.  There is too much of a risk in ignoring depression.  This is not about you as a parent, this is about the welfare of your child.  Check out this excellent video on teen depression by ABC News at:

Original content by Kathleen Matchunis, B.A., M.S., Certified Professional Coach.  For a list of resources or more information on depression, call or email life and academic coach, Kathy Matchunis. Tel. 954- 294 -9708.  I do not treat depression.  I am a resource for parents. 

By | 2017-02-17T18:13:41-04:00 October 9th, 2016|Parenting|Comments Off on Could Your Child Be Depressed? Check Out These Eight Signs!