Does Your Life Look Like a Bad Reality Show?

Do you find yourself in an endless cycle of drama? If so, maybe you need to identify your conflict resolution style and learn your options for dealing with a variety of situations. We usually learn our conflict resolution style from our families. This of course doesn’t mean this particular style is the best style of dealing with conflicts in our lives, however.
Social skills coaching makes us aware of our own conflict resolution style and how we can adjust our style to appropriately respond rather than react to different situations. If your behavior is costing you more than it is getting you in your relationships, you might want to learn alternatives that will enhance your relationships.
Practice makes perfect, so, role-playing is an essential part of social skills coaching. It may feel unnatural at first to thoughtfully respond to a comment or a behavior instead of reacting to it, but it will help preserve and improve your relationships with others. If you know that your relationships are not working, you probably already know that this problem can affect you both personally and professionally. Contact Coach Kathy at Connecting, Inc. to see what type of coaching will meet your needs. Call 954 294-9708 or e-mail her at :

By | 2016-06-17T09:44:00-04:00 August 21st, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Does Your Life Look Like a Bad Reality Show?