Don’t Let Your “But” Get In The Way of Your Goals!

Don’t Let Your “But” Get in the Way of Your Goals!

Stop walking backwards through life! Don’t let your “but” get in the way of your goals! How many times have you said, “I would love to do that, BUT ………..” Maybe if we all concentrated more on what is possible and did not find reasons for not doing certain things, we could realize more goals and dreams. Many times the phrase following the word “but” is an expression of fear or limited thinking.
Ask yourself if you are limiting yourself by coming up with worst-case scenarios as to why you cannot accomplish your heart’s desire. Maybe you have some valid reasons for not being able to reach a certain goal, but be honest with yourself.
How can you get over fear and limited thinking? Sit down with a confidante or a coach who is familiar with your strengths and gifts. We often concentrate more on our weakness than playing to our strengths. After identifying your strengths, visualize how you can use them in your life.
Do not blame others or relive the past when considering what you can do. Maybe if you were unsuccessful in an attempt to accomplish something in the past, you may be better equipped now to accomplish this goal at this time with your present knowledge.
Give yourself a pep talk and move forward. You may have to recalculate your route to success, but be gentle with yourself. Don’t hold yourself back. Allow yourself to be all that you can be!

By | 2016-06-17T09:43:21-04:00 September 25th, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Don’t Let Your “But” Get In The Way of Your Goals!