If You Want to Go to Montana, Why Are You on the Road to Texas?
By Kathleen A. Matchunis, President of Connecting, Inc.
If you want to get to Montana, you need to take the road to Montana! Are you on the right road? Even with your GPS, you may not be! As a coach, I hear many people talk about their goals and how happy they will be when they accomplish these goals. Time and time again, however, I will hear people say that they want to further their education, yet they choose to spend money in other areas, which prevents them from being able to afford an education. How about people do you know who want to lose weight, yet eat unconsciously or eat whatever is fast and easy? Then there are people who want to improve their relationships with others but prefer to complain rather than have a productive conversation with their significant other, friend, or colleague. Are your actions aligned with your goals?
Every action we take brings us closer or further away from our goals. Every goal which we wish to realize needs an action plan and a priority in our lives. When we think of our actions as steps towards or away from our goals, it empowers us to live more actively and consciously.
Fast forward your life and imagine what you will say to yourself at the end. Will you feel accomplishment and satisfaction or will you feel regret and sadness? First, determine what your true passions and goals are. This takes a little time, since you may need to decide if your stated goals are really yours or just expectations of your family and peers. Prioritize your goals and write down steps in order of priority to accomplish those goals.
Bronnie Ware was a palliative care nurse who made several interesting observations after nursing dying patients. She found that most patients wished that they had the courage to live a life true to themselves, rather than the life which was expected of them. Most male patients and some female patients wished that they hadn’t work so hard. Most of the dying wished that they had expressed their feelings more. Most regretted not staying in touch with friends.
Finally, most patients on their deathbed wished that they had allowed themselves to be happier.
So thing about what your goals truly are. Are you on the right road or are you on the road that someone told you to take? That would be the road to nowhere. What road are you on?