Is The Only Change in Your Life in Your Pocket?


As a life coach, I often work with clients who would like to achieve results in their lives in the area of relationships, personal goals, or academics.  I often start by asking a lot of questions about what the client would like to achieve and why. After finding out what and why, we move on to “the how”.

I create a “game plan” with each of my clients for each goal.  The first thing I have to ask, however, is if the client is willing to make behavioral changes.  Each client usually says that they are committed to making changes but when it comes down to following through on their action items, I sometimes get resistance.  Isn’t the definition of insanity expecting different results after doing the same old thing?

No, my clients are not insane.  It is simply challenging for all of us to get out of our comfort zone!  When my clients see how taking different actions can bring positive results, they finally “get it”!  Are you stuck in a rut, trying to improve your life?

  • Are you hesitant to make changes to get the results that you desire? You could be feeling like this because you don’t own the action items.  Is your action item just your coach’s idea?  Make sure that you personalize it or modify it, so it is yours.
  • Are you overwhelmed by your action items? In this case, break it down into baby steps.  There is nothing wrong with baby steps which can still lead you to your goal.  Any positive action is better than stagnating or backsliding.  Do you have all the resources you need to accomplish your action items?
  • Do you really want to accomplish your stated goal? This question requires some soul searching. Make sure your goal is yours and not that of your parents, friends, or even that of your coach.

Visualize how you will feel when you accomplish your goal.  Visualize not only what it will feel like, but what it will look like and sound like.

Coaching without action items is just chit-chat, which you can do with any trusted friend.  If you want to really accomplish your goals, work with a coach to get a new perspective, generate ideas which may not even occur to you and have accountability, so you can measure your progress.  Don’t let the only change in your life stay in your pocket!

Kathleen Matchunis is an educator who offers life and academic coaching.  For more information, check out or call 954 294 9708 for a complimentary initial consultation.

By | 2016-06-17T09:24:54-04:00 July 13th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Is The Only Change in Your Life in Your Pocket?