Is Your Speedometer Stuck?

Is Your Speedometer Stuck?

By Kathleen A. Matchunis, B.A., M.S., CPC


Is your personal speedometer always set on maximum, high, or the most extreme speed possible?  If you are a Type A personality, or just an intense person, you might not feel alive unless you are giving it all you’ve got with your heart pounding and adrenaline coursing through your veins.  Observe how you feel.  Do you get a sick sense of excitement from all that intensity?  You might have learned this type of behavior from role-models or this might have something to do with your personality type.  If you don’t really feel adequate, you may feel that you have to “put the pedal to the metal” at all times.  Even if you are passionate about your work, driving yourself hard all the time does not create balance in your life or even produce the desired results you want.

What does all this intensity lead to?  It leads to burnout, frustration, anxiety, depression, and overall unhappiness. What it does not lead to is real success.  How do you escape this pattern?  You can replace it with a new pattern, which is better for your mind, body, and soul.  This, of course, is easier said than done.  It can be accomplished through mindfulness. It’s all about reassessing your priorities.

As you make choices in your life, choose as many things as you can which will lead to physical health such as eating good food, getting enough sleep, and taking breaks during your work day.  For your mental health, choose socializing, doing a non-work related pastime you love, or taking time to meditate and reflect on your life.  In order to do this, we have to consciously choose, rather than allow life to just drag us into a rat race.  When we assess where we are, we need to figure how we arrived there, if we are happy with where we are, and visualize where we want to be.

Slow down and let your spirit guide you to get the results you want in life. As you slow down, observe how people respond to you in a more thoughtful and authentic way.

It’s funny how we would never drive a new car at the maximum speed every day, but we constantly drive ourselves into sickness and stress.  Try treating yourself better than your car!  Operating at top speed all the time leads to being out of balance.  You may think that you are more productive, but you are really inhibiting your creativity and happiness in life if you attack every day at maximum speed.

Original content by Kathleen A. Matchunis, Educator, Professional Life and Academic Coach, providing customized coaching in person and via Skype.  Website: Tel. 954 294 9708.  Like us on Facebook: and check us out on Yelp!




By | 2016-06-17T00:53:24-04:00 October 31st, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Is Your Speedometer Stuck?