Modules for Parents

Parents, does your heart ache seeing your child struggle socially? Empower your child to manage social situations gracefully. Give your child the confidence they need to interview and interact in the workplace. Teens learn skills for success through discussions and role-playing social scenarios. You receive feedback and information to encourage your child to practice skills for success outside of the session.

Parent Empowerment Group Five 90 min. sessions/once a week.

  1. Why Don’t These Kids Come with Instructions?
  2. Appreciating Your Child
  3. Managing Guidance and Discipline
  4. How To Be Involved without Enabling
  5. How to Preserve Your Identity as a Person, While Still Being a Good Parent

By | 2016-06-17T09:44:25-04:00 June 13th, 2012|Post images|Comments Off on Modules for Parents