Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work

Another year has begun and resolutions have been made!  But why are resolutions so often broken or completely forgotten?  Desiring a positive change in your life is admirable.  The challenge is moving from desiring a positive change to taking action.

If you are finding it hard to keep those resolutions, ask yourself these questions:

  • Is your resolution specific and measurable?
  • How much do you want the result?
  • Have you imagined how you would feel if you were to accomplish your goal?
  • Have you planned out steps to get to your goal?
  • Do you have a system of accountability?

If your result is specific, it should state whatever you want to accomplish, what it will look like and feel like, as well as when you will realize your goal.  An example could be:  I want to change jobs.  I will apply to at least two jobs each week, network in person as well as online at least twice a week, and also avail myself of opportunities at my present place of employment.  I will accomplish my goal of finding a new job by the end of May.

Check in with yourself as to how much you want your resolution to come true.  Rate your desire for your goal by on a scale of 1-10.  Explore why you want this goal.  How will this accomplishment affect your life personally, professionally, financially, and spiritually?  How much happier and less stressed will you be when you see your resolution come true?

What specific feelings will you experience when you accomplish your goal? 

Will you experience happiness, relief, pride, or increased well-being?

How will you accomplish your goal?  Did you remember to create a step by step plan to implement your desired changes?  Did you discuss these steps with anyone else to get an objective point of view?  Have you considered who will be your personal GPS during this time of transition?

How will you know when you have accomplished your goal?  Did you include criteria in your resolution statement?

Having resolutions are great but few people stick with them if they don’t include the key details which will lead to success.  It’s not too late to re-examine your resolutions and re-craft them and enlist the help of a professional to offer you an objective point of view.


By | 2017-02-17T12:10:59-04:00 January 22nd, 2017|Life coaching|Comments Off on Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work