Realize Your Goals in 2013!

Realizing Your Goals in 2013!
By Kathleen A. Matchunis, Life Coach and President of Connecting, Inc.
It’s a new year, but what will make it different or really new this year? You! We all have goals which float around in our heads for every new year, but how many of them are actually realized? In order to realize your goals, we have 3 C’s that we must follow. Make your goals Concrete, Concise, and Credible. It is imperative to include an accountability plan, as well.
First, if you make your goal concrete, you will have all the specific information which you need to make it happen. Vague goals, such as “I want to be healthier in the new year”, will not give you the specific information that you need to realize your goal. Goals such as “I want to lose 20 pounds in 3 months and workout at the gym 3 times a week” would be an example of a specific goal. In the area of relationships, instead of saying to yourself, “I want to improve my relationship with my spouse”, you write down, “I commit to reserving an hour of one-on-one time with my spouse every evening”. These specific types of goals will guide you to what you truly desire.
Next, keep your goals concise. There is no need to write a book, in which all the details of your goals are lost in minutia. It is important to write down your goals, rather than just saying what you would like to do. An example of this would be: “I commit to attending a networking meeting once a week to help my business grow.” Make a contract with yourself! It works!
Thirdly, make your goal credible. It has to be something that you believe that you can do. Don’t limit your dreams and imagination, but make your goal something that you can believe. Let’s compare two goals: “I want to go to Europe on vacation next summer” and “I commit to saving $300 a month in order to go on vacation to Europe this next summer. Guess what? The second goal will get you to Europe, while the first one will leave you pining away at home about that European trip!
Accountability is crucial! How do you add accountability? Find a good life coach , who meets your needs and with whom you feel comfortable. A good life coach will ask you the key questions to make you think about what your important goals are, how you are going to specifically achieve them, and help you eliminate any roadblocks or limited thinking which prevents you from achieving your goals. A life coach can be your cheer leader to make sure that you stay on track and take you from where you are to where you want to be in your life!
Good luck and much success in 2013!!

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