Reconnect with Your Teen

Reconnect with Your Teen!
By Kathleen Matchunis
President of Connecting, Inc.

Has this ever happened to you? You are trying to talk to your teen, while he or she is playing a video game or on the computer, and you are feeling disconnected from this person who used to cuddle with you and wanted to be with you all the time.
You are not alone. It is normal for teens to separate from their parents in order to become more independent. However, we don’t have to lose all closeness with our teens during their adolescence.
As a parent, it is important to set boundaries that will protect your teen and preserve your relationship. It is important to be authoritative without being authoritarian. In other words, you are in charge, but you don’t have to be a dictator.
Start by setting a good example with your own social skills. When you teen talks to you, make sure that you give her your full attention, without looking at your electronic devices. Let your teen know that she is your priority.
Sit down with your teen and collaborate on some rules for electronics. Let your teen know that your motivation for making these rules is your desire to have positive, open communication with him/her. For example, a good rule is not to have electronics at the dinner table. Another rule could regard the amount of time spent on the computer, etc. Don’t let electronics sabotage your relationship with your teen!

By | 2017-06-23T12:00:08-04:00 September 14th, 2012|Communication|Comments Off on Reconnect with Your Teen