Running Through Life with Your Eyes Closed Can Be Dangerous to Your Health



Running through Life with Your Eyes Closed Can Be Dangerous to Your Health
By Kathleen A. Matchunis, President of Connecting, Inc.

Are you running through life blind? Not literally, of course, but do you have your eyes open when it comes to what’s going on below the surface? Ask yourself if you have your eyes open to opportunities both personal and professional. There is so much to learn from others if we have our eyes open and are aware of the opportunity. Even people who we dislike have something to teach us, but you have to be looking for the lesson. Sometimes we don’t expect to learn something personal from a work colleague or something professional from a personal friend, but opportunities abound with both sets of contacts. Sometimes I don’t receive referrals from members of my networking groups but I get some really great business ideas or learn about something which would possibly help me in my personal life.

Do you notice people’s reaction to your demeanor and your words? Again, this is a lesson for us to refine the impression, which we give others. How you are coming across to others may mean the difference between success and failure in your business or personal life.
Don’t blink and hesitate, the lessons are out there and yours to learn. Open your eyes, your heart, and be aware of the abundance of lessons, which life offers you. Learn from everyone: your family, your friends, your business colleagues, your competition, and your clients or customers. We are here to teach each other. Be open and seize the day!

If you want to be more aware of the opportunities in life, reach your potential, improve your relationships and realize your goals, consider life coaching. Call me at 954 294-9708 for your free initial consultation.

By | 2016-06-17T09:39:10-04:00 February 3rd, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Running Through Life with Your Eyes Closed Can Be Dangerous to Your Health