Starting the Year off Right! How to Communicate with Your Child’s Teacher

Starting the Year off Right!  Communicating with Your Child’s Teacher

By Kathleen A. Matchunis, B.A., M.S., CPC
teacher and students



This week, your child will be headed back to class with a new teacher or group of teachers!  How can you best communicate with your child’s teacher?  Having taught for more than 30 years and being the parent of twins (one of which is a special needs student), I have been on both sides of this fence!

I suggest that you attend Open House to meet your child’s teacher(s) in person, if possible.  If you are not able to attend, it would be a good idea to send an email to the teacher(s) with your contact information to let the instructor know that you are a concerned parent.

Here are some contact information regarding teachers:

  • Email is a wonderful tool, but do not overuse this.  Don’t become a helicopter parent
  • Keep your emails brief and to the point
  • Take a collaborative, rather than an adversarial approach
  • If you do not feel that your needs are being addressed, call the guidance department to set up a meeting with your child’s teachers
  • Work together to find solutions

Try to see the teacher as your partner in your child’s success.  If these suggestions do not give you the results which you need, contact the guidance department or the school’s administration.  It is counterproductive to go straight to administration unless there is a very serious situation which demands immediate action.

Keep in mind that when your child tells you about his teacher, he is sharing his perspective with you.  Kids don’t always like to responsibility for their learning, so, it is always easy to blame the teacher.  Part of your job as a parent is to get your child to take responsibility for his academic success.

If your child has special needs, make sure that you work closely with teacher as to what works well with your child.  Also, consult with the teacher as to what you can do to support your child’s success.

Original content by Kathleen Matchunis, B.A., M.S., Certified Professional Coach & Tutor 954 294-9708.

By | 2016-06-17T09:30:50-04:00 August 17th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Starting the Year off Right! How to Communicate with Your Child’s Teacher