Ten Ways to Give Your Child The Edge This School Year!

Parent helping child

Ten Ways to Give Your Child the Edge This School Year!

By Kathleen Matchunis, B.A., M.S., CPC


Another school year is almost upon us!  Where did the summer go?  Time to shift gears!  How can you, as parents, give your children the edge this school year?  Giving your children the edge doesn’t mean doing their work or taking on their responsibilities.  Here are some ideas to set the tone for a successful school year:

  • Discuss your children’s goals for the school year with them. Include what they would like to improve or do differently this year and not just focus on grade point average.
  • Take a team approach. Let your children know that you are there to support them but not do the work for them.  Let your children know that they need to respect your time by letting you know in advance if they need any supplies for special projects (be specific as to how many days in advance) You can create an academic calendar where your kids can write needed materials for projects and what day they need them.
  • Let your children know that there is nothing to hide and that you will have your phone set up to have the grade program alert you if their grades falls below a certain percentage. Let them know that you are doing this in order to be aware of their academic status and to arrange for extra help, if needed.
  • Let your children know that you feel that they can be successful academically.
  • Be proactive. Do not wait for disaster to strike!  Make a list of resources available to your children for extra help when they need it such as free after school tutoring at their school, peer tutoring programs, resource rooms for ESE students, and private tutoring or coaching.
  • Make sure that you agree on a quiet place for them to study.
  • Discuss time management. Students should choose an academic planner that appeals to them and suits their needs. Make sure that your children are using their planners every day. If they are involved in after school activities, discuss how and when their homework will be done.
  • Talk about communication. If your children are struggling with course, let them know that they need to let you know as soon as possible, so you can brainstorm solutions together.
  • If your children are having an issue with a teacher or the administration, emphasize that they need to always show respect, regardless of their feelings and that you will become involved only if they cannot resolve the issue by themselves.
  • Have your children take responsibility for their successes and their mistakes. If they are not achieving according to their capabilities, their first question should be: “What could I have done differently?”

Being the mother of twins, one of whom has a learning disability, an educator with over 30 years of experience in education and an academic coach has given me a certain set of skills to work with parents and their children.  I help students find the best study techniques for their learning style.  I give them the tools to be organized and stay motivated. I offer a complimentary introductory session to explore if I am the best match for you and your child.  If I am not the best match for you and your child, I will happily refer you to one of my well-qualified professional contacts.

For more information, call Coach Kathy at 954 294 9708 or email her at kathy@connectinginc.net.


By | 2017-06-23T12:10:43-05:00 August 11th, 2015|Communication|Comments Off on Ten Ways to Give Your Child The Edge This School Year!