The Super Bowl of Life


The Super Bowl of Life!
By Kathleen A. Matchunis, President of Connecting, Inc.
When we are born, we all start out in the center of the field. We don’t know where we are going or how we are going to get there. Little by little, we make progress and try to go in the right direction. The stakes are high if we don’t make the right choices. So, are you in it to win it???
What yard line are you on in life? Are you on 10, 20, 30 yard line? Are you making progress? Have you made any touchdowns lately? What is keeping you from making touchdowns? Low self-esteem, a lack of confidence? Do you limit yourself by allowing yourself to be blocked and tackled by others? Do you set up roadblocks for yourself?
You need a strategy to break through to make your touchdowns. You need a coach that will give you an objective point of you of your performance and help craft a game plan to get you to where you need to be in order to make your touchdowns. A good coach offers you ideas and options that would never occur to you.
Isn’t your life more important than a Super Bowl game? Of course, it is! A life coach acts as a football coach in that he or she will strategize, create a game plan and help you visualize as well as realize your goals. A professional football player would never play a game without his coach, so why should you go through your life without one?
Coaches think out of the subjective box which limits your mind. Life coaches help their clients identify, clarify, visualize, and realize their goals, while encouraging them on the sidelines. Good life coaches provide accountability to their clients, allowing them to see how they are progressing and addressing any limited thinking or roadblocks, which may limit their progress.
If you want to improve your relationship with your spouse, kids, colleagues or yourself, or be more successful in your business and make more money, consider life coaching to assist you in making your “touchdowns” in life.
I can help you be in it to win it and start your journey to success. Call me for a free initial consultation at 954 294-9708.

By | 2016-06-17T09:39:19-04:00 January 27th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Super Bowl of Life