Are you using the Hurricane As a Teachable Moment for Your Children?

Are You Using the Hurricane As a Teachable Moment for Your Children?

by Kathleen A. Matchunis, B.A., M.S., Certified Professional Coach

Well, here we go again!  A hurricane is coming towards us and there is so much to do.  When these events happen, did it ever occur to you to use hurricane preparation as a teachable moment for your children?  When we have hurricanes or other natural disasters for which we need to prepare, it gives us an opportunity to bond as a family.

If your kids are of an age where they can help with hurricane preparation, here are some ways that they can be involved.

  • Prepare your children for a power outage and have them organize fun activities in case they cannot use their devices. This can be a great time to play cards or board games.
  • Review safety rules with your children. Each child should have his or her own flashlight or lantern in case of a power outage.
  • If you cook ahead, have your children help with food preparation.
  • Have kids organize canned goods and other hurricane supplies.
  • Without alarming the kids, decide which room is your safe room.
  • Make sure that everyone knows where the first aid kit is and how to use first aid supplies.
  • Be creative! Have the kids record a hurricane preparation report with their devices.
  • Teens can assist with preparing your house or apartment for the upcoming storm by putting up shutters, etc.

Preparing for a hurricane or any natural disaster gives parents the opportunity to be real leaders and model the behavior which is necessary to get through challenging times.  It gives families an opportunity to work as a team at a time where many families struggle with togetherness since everyone is pursuing his or her personal interests.

Contributing to hurricane preparations make kids feel appreciated.  Nothing helps kids’ self-esteem more than knowing that something that they have done is valued.  They feel like an important, integral part of the family when they contribute to a cause.

Post-hurricane, parents have the opportunity to show their children the value of checking on neighbors and donating supplies which they don’t need. Kids need part of the clean-up process as well.

The “extreme togetherness” of a hurricane situation will be a real challenge for some families.  That’s why it is great to get the kids involved in planning indoor games and activities.  If they plan the activities, there is less of a chance that they will complain about them.

Hopefully, we will not have any more storms this season, but now you can be more prepared and turn this challenging situation into a positive experience for the whole family.

Original content by Kathleen Matchunis, B.A., M.S., Certified Professional Coach. Find out about more teachable moments. Call or email life and academic coach, Kathy Matchunis for a complimentary consultation. Tel. 954- 294 -9708. Website:  and check us out on Facebook at:

By | 2017-09-06T21:33:52-04:00 October 11th, 2016|Communication|Comments Off on Are you using the Hurricane As a Teachable Moment for Your Children?