Does the thought of getting together with your family make you uptight? You are not alone! It can be tricky dealing with family when everyone is stressed, excited, and overtired. It is a recipe for strained relations.
Do you recognize any of these people in your family?
- The person in the family who is very sensitive and makes you feel that you are walking on eggshells.
- The political junkie- don’t even get them started! Even if you agree with him, you won’t be able to find the “off” button.
- The loud family member who makes you want to reach for the “volume button” but there isn’t one.
- The angry person- is there a safe place to hide to avoid him or her? Plan ahead!
- The person who is a little bit out there. You can’t find where he/she is coming from even with the best GPS.
- The whiner who makes you reach for your wine and wish that you could turn the dial, but it is stuck on only one station.
- The person who brags all the time. Could anybody’s life be this perfect? Let this insecure person live their fantasy. Listen, smile, and don’t bother to compete with this one-upmanship.
Things to keep in mind:
Realize that you are born into a family. You do not choose your family. Family members can be very different from each other. Friends come and go but your family is always your family.
- Concentrate on enjoying each other’s company and the love which you have for each other. The holidays is not a great time to solve global warming or the conflict in the Middle East.
- You probably will not convince someone in your family of your point of view. Know which family members with whom you can discuss controversial topics and with the rest, just chill out and choose a fun topic to discuss.
- Focus on the positive! Don’t try to stage an intervention on someone’s personal problems or parenting strategies.
- It doesn’t have to be perfect! If a dish doesn’t turn out well, try to laugh it off.
- Be compassionate! If someone is going through a hard time, be kind.
- Take time to show that you are grateful for being part of your family.
We have a lot of pressure from cooking shows, magazines, and TV shows to make it a perfect holiday. When we consider what is really important, though, it is just being together, being our imperfect selves, and being loved by our imperfect family members. So if you feel loved this holiday, consider yourself successful in achieving the spirit of the holiday. Wishing you a peaceful holiday with family and friends.