What is the Distance between Your Head and Your Heart?

What is the Distance between Your Head and Your Heart?
By Kathleen A. Matchunis, President of Connecting, Inc.

Are you coming from your head or your heart most of the time? Is there a conflict or is there a balance? Obviously, we cannot deal with things just using our head or just our hearts, if we want to make effective decisions.
We have a head to figure out situations logically, but we have a heart to feel the ramifications of our actions. We strategize with our heads, but empathize with our hearts. If we use just our heads in our personal or professional lives, we become like Dr. Spock, unable to connect with others and not taking into consideration the effect of our actions and words on others. If we use just our hearts, we are perceived as over-emotional and not practical. We should not be ashamed of either our heads or our hearts, since they were made to work in harmony. Using your heart does not make you any less of a leader, and using your head does not make you a ruthless boss.
There is a reason that we have both a head and heart. The most successful people know how to use both. We need to be able to use our heads to analyze situations and implement action plans. We need our hearts to see how our plans and actions will affect ourselves and others. After all, business is all about relationships. Some people feel a conflict between their head and their heart, but the heart provides the passion and the creative fuel for the brain. The harmony of acting with head and heart leads to the best leadership and the best actions.
Do you value both your head and heart? You have both have a reason. Using one without the other will not lead to success. Using your head and heart is a balancing act for which there are no rules. What is the distance between your head and your heart? It is all up to you! Remember- follow your heart, but don’t leave your brain behind! Value both and use both in harmony for the ultimate success in life.

By | 2016-06-17T09:37:32-05:00 April 7th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on What is the Distance between Your Head and Your Heart?