Working With Intention


Working with Intention

by Kathleen A. Matchunis, B.A., M.S., CPCWhy 2



“Sometimes you come upon a silent war…and once you have seen it, you cannot unsee it. And once you have seen it, doing nothing, remaining quiet, becomes as political an act as speaking out. Either way you are accountable.”  – Arundhati Roy

I would like to thank Marlaine Cover from Parenting 2.0 for sharing this quote with me.  It touched me deeply!

This quote expresses what motivates me to do what I do which is life and academic coaching.  I see people so immersed in technology that they no longer can communicate adequately enough to have positive relationships.  I see families who have a house but not a home because each member is living separately.  I encounter people who are so attached to being right that they ruin relationship after relationship.

I see teens who are lonely and isolated.  Many of the teens I see don’t know how to study because nobody connects with them enough to help them find their way or to make them accountable.  Many parents think that their children are a certain age and should automatically know how to study and prepare themselves for their future in the working world.

I see parents who are struggling to balance their work and home lives.  They don’t know how to communicate with their children.  Many give up when faced with resistance and some don’t even try, giving their children electronic gadgets to keep them out of their hair, rather than making the effort to connect with them.

Our silent war is the lack of connection between human beings.  People who bully in person, engage in cyberbullying, and are numb to any feelings for others.  This lack of connection affects our families, businesses, our political systems, etc.

What is the solution?  There is no one solution, as I see it.  All I know is that if you have any gifts for guiding young people, helping parents, and assisting people to be better human beings, your talents are sorely needed.  Everyone has learned something from this life.  It is our responsibility to share it to make other’s lives a little easier.

I recently read an anonymous quote stating, “I am in competition with no one.  I do not play that game.  My only goal is to be a better person than I was yesterday.”

Can you only imagine if even some of us adopted this as our daily goal to be just a little more aware, kinder, and more conscious of our behavior each day?  This is such doable goal which would make a profound change in our society.

I cannot walk away.  I am accountable for my life. There is too much of a need.  When people know better, they do better.  Our situation is not a lost cause, but it does take effort and creativity to help people to learn how their lives could be so much more satisfying.

Kathleen Matchunis is an educator who is a Certified Professional Coach who offers life and academic coaching to parents and teens.  To learn more, check out or call 954 294 9708 for a complimentary initial consultation.  If I am not the best match for you or your child, I will share my contacts and resources with you to ensure that you find the appropriate assistance.

By | 2016-06-17T00:52:55-04:00 August 16th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Working With Intention